Popcorn, Bisquits, Pizza on the TrailDesigns Caldera Cone
I got to try out TrailDesigns new simmer ring on our Spring Break hike, and am just now getting around to writing something. Rand and Russ made a ring which fits around the stove, and partially blocks the air holes around the side of the stove. It is adjustable, and by setting the adjustment tab, the level of air intake and hence the flame is adjusted.
This device proves especially handy in cooking pizza, biscuits, and popcorn for dessert. With this ring, you can set up the stove and cone (Caldera Cone Ti Tri) with the lid from my 1.9 L Evernew pot on the support stakes, cover with the pot itself, put the Outback Oven on, and let the stove run till its out of fuel. Absolutely no adjustment is required. That gives one about 30 minutes of baking time, and bingo, biscuits, corn bread pizza, or any bread product is done.
Above is the pizza made with the new simmer ring.
Above are some biscuits made using the simmer ring, plus the Outback Oven and Caldera Cone Ti Tri.
The picture above is popcorn made with the simmer ring, and moving the pot over the open flame without using the cone. I used 2.8 oz of popcorn with an oz of oil. This was a great oily trail treat, and a great way to get some salt.