Camino Norte, day 6, Zuaratz to Deba


We learned that Zumaia was the site of some very scenic rocks at the ocean side, so we headed down there. It was an overcast day, so your photos were not as great as some we had seen. We spent so much of the day at the beach, and rain was threatening, that I asked that we take a taxi to our destination, Deba, thus shortening the 12.5 km, 7.8 mi route of the day. The rocks and surf were a nice change of pace from walking.


Our place was a remodeled apartment in an old building, just off the center-of-town plaza. It was feet from the Camino, cost €117, and came with a frig, washing machine, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, and a TV room, I liked a place with a frig so I could keep my insulin cool and refreeze my gel packs for my insulin cooler. We were getting used to seeing American Pickers and Pawn Stars on TV, speaking Spanish. We were also getting reacquainted with 70-80s American pop music, which is played everywhere in Spain. I’m talking Carol King and Billy Joel.


When we got to Deba is was raining, so I was happy that we had not walked, even though the mileage was minimal. Deba was officlally founded in 1343, but was inhabited for thousands of years before the Romans arrived. It was an important port for the export of wool, and a popular starting point for pilgrims arriving by sea.

Shown above is the entry to La Iglesia de Santa Maria, built in the 15th - 17th century. It is a national treasure and an important Basque religious architectural structure.


Snack €5
Taxi to Deba €5.30
Ice cream €2.50
Sandwiches for dinner €20
OJ, croissants for breakfast, plus 2 nestea €16