Scout Backpack to Wilderness Hot Spring, and Morel Mushrooms

I led a scout backpack on the Middle Fork of the Payette in Idaho, and was reminded how delicious morel mushrooms are.  It has been a wet spring here, and we found maybe 30 morels around our camp, and it added a bit of interest to the freeze dried menu.

We hiked about 2 miles to a nice wilderness hot springs, where we quickly found out it could hold all 12 of the scouts on our trip.

After that, the first order of business at our camp was for Tom B. to get across the stream with dry feet.  So do you think he made it?

No, he didn't!  his right foot dragged in the water, and he got a wet foot.

Shortly after that the scouts started finding morels around their camp.  The interest quickly spread to the scouters, and both groups fried up some morels for a snack.

Rain was predicted for the weekend, and we got lucky enough to get our tents up before it rained or hailed.  We had hail and rain for about an hour, and light sprinkles till bedtime.