Camino Norte, Day 16 Baamone to Miraz
We had a few miles of country road in tall trees and stone walls before we connected with the Camino again. Laura made an alligator friend, and we passed the 90 KM monument, so we had 90 km to go to Santiago.
We got to the town of Miraz, and stopped at a bar (what we would call a cafe) for lunch and drink. Our destination for the night was another casa rural, and they offered a nice bonus which I’m sure increased their Camino traffic. They offered the service of a pickup at Miraz, and their driver took us into the countryside to Bi Terra, a casa rural.
There we got the honeymoon suite, also called the attic, of the stone building on the right above. It was spacious as long as you ducked your head at the periphery, and at dinner we met a nice collection of people, including a couple from Scotland, who we would see again in Santiago.
For dinner we had (shown below) Monkfish Galician style, and Iberian pork, wine sauce, pepper and French fries.
Costs for the day:
from the casa rural to Miraz, 10 km, 6 mi
My sandwich in Miraz, cerveza nestea €10
Bi Terra hotel, €90
Laura's chicken in Miraz, nestea, cerveza €10
Picked up in Miraz taken to Bi Terra casa rural.